FAQ | Office.org

LibreOffice & OpenOffice

Frequently asked questions and answers about Open Office and Libre Office

  • What is Open Office?
    • Open Office is a complete office software that allows you to create documents or tables. Professional presentations can also be created without any problems. The special thing about Open Office is that it is offered for free download.
  • What is Office 365?
    • Office 365 is software from Microsoft. It is based on a paid subscription. We fully recommend the free Alternative Libre Office.
  • Is Open Office compatible with Microsoft Office?
    • Yes, Open Office in the new version is compatible in many things. You can open, edit, and save documents from Word and Excel. Try it!
  • Which free Office program is the best?
    • We recommend the program Libre Office – this is the successor of Open Office. Libre Office is constantly evolving and enjoying growing popularity.
  • Is Open Office really free?
    • In short: Yes, it is free. Libre Office, the follower of Open Office, is also absolutely free. There is no subscription, annual fee or anything like that.
  • What files can I open with OpenOffice?
    • Open Office allows you to open most known Office formats. These include, for example, the following file endings: .doc .docx .xls .xlsx .ppt .pptx .odt. and many endings more.
  • What is Libre Office?
    • Libre Office is the successor to OpenOffice.
      With LibreOffice, you can quickly create professional presentations, create handsome documents for e.g. manuals, etc.
      LibreOffice is available for free download.

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